Meo Fusciuni

Odor 93


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Odor 93 is the second perfume in Meo Fusciuni's Cycle of Mysticism which represents the dream journey.

As in the center of a dream, the flowery body of Narcissus and Tuberosa tell step by step the journey in the birch forest, where the animal lives and the rite of the fable is celebrated, a mental and spiritual place of perfume.

"There are very distant places in the world, linked by a thin, imaginary thread, I tried to give a smell to this invisible bond, I found a flowered heart in the forest, I listened to the animal speak, I saw the end of the day, I I discovered odorous signs of the past, I found the meaning in my land. I reached Thelema. The number 93 represents the mystical key of this journey. The smell is a soul that draws our shadow. "

Meo Fusciuni
